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Paul Lapp studied jazz double bass with Prof. Pepe Berns and Matze Eichhorn at the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy University of Music and Theatre in Leipzig until 2016. During his studies he had lessons with Richie Beirach, Heinrich Köbberling, Johannes Enders and attended workshops and masterclasses with John Taylor, Palle Danielson, Dave Liebman, Mark Turner, Billy Hart and Tim Lefebvre, among others. In February 2019, he also successfully completed his second degree in classical double bass with Prof. Frithjof-Martin Grabner and Klaus Niemeier at HMT-Leipzig. As a pupil and student he was a member of the „JayJayBeCe Big Band“ under the direction of Christoph Griese and the Brandenburg State Youth Jazz Orchestra „LaJJazzO“ under the direction of Jiggs Wigham. Furthermore he played in the university orchestra of the HMT-Leipzig and in different nationwide project orchestras. Currently, he is an active and permanent member of the STEGREIF.orchestra, in addition to his band project Calamite. Paul Lapp has won prizes in competitions such as Jugend komponiert, Jugend Jazzt, Berliner StuVo-Jazzcontest and various university competitions at HMT-Leipzig. Concerts have taken him throughout Germany, to Turkey, France, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Israel, Russia and Senegal.

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